A people without knowledge of their past, origin, and culture…..
is like a tree with no roots.
Hello! I’m Laura Rice, the founder of Provenance Preservation. My passion is bringing new life to old homes & vintage objects and to create memories with great meals and parties . I want to help you, by inspiring you with ideas to re-purpose living space and vintage items, build furniture, craft, and prepare dishes that will help you connect with family and friends. I will provide guidance on how to tackle each phase of the project so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor, relish the process, and avoid the potential pit-fall of project stress. Be proud of your work!
My History
I grew up in a suburb of Chicago filled with beautiful historic homes. My mom was always decorating our home and my parents enjoyed entertaining family and friends. What you will find on these pages has been inspired by many decades of parties, antique store visits, and flea market scrounging in the hunt for treasures of old.

Even as a child, I loved touring historic homes, neighborhoods, cemeteries, and castles. I was drawn to the mystery of opening doors and turning corners to see what I might find and imagining what life was like when these structures were built.

My husband and I have been married for nearly 24-years. We developed a passion for antiques and architecture together over the years as we have lived in and renovated several historic homes. I am a microbiologist, currently working as a corporate research scientist. I am a problem-solver, learner, builder, tinkerer, creator, and inventor. These skills that have served me well in my scientific career are the same skills that inspire me to renovate and tackle projects related to adaptive reuse of historic spaces and furniture. I look forward to sharing my experiments with you.
We can do this!
I want to help you bring new life to old homes and vintage objects, create projects, and even try new recipes that you are proud to share with family and friends. Quit watching HGTV , drooling over Pinterest projects and recipes, and folding down corners of magazine pages. It’s time to live out your DIY dreams!
Laura’s work has been featured on other websites including Redefining Mom.
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